With the alarming volume of cyber attacks that have occurred over the years, data shows that larger companies are not just a target, but also smaller companies and individuals.

Clever emails that make a lot of other companies seem genuine are becoming increasingly harder to identify. So how can you keep away from the hackers and protect you and your business?

Our recommended Cyber Security partners keep our business safe and can do the same for you. Experts in cyber security protection and GDPR support find out more here.

Why choose Naq?

Take the complexity out of your company’s compliance.
Naq’s platform automates your compliance within the frameworks demanded by your customers and your industry. From GDPR and Cyber Essentials to the frameworks needed to work with the UK’s largest organisations, including the NHS and MOD, Naq’s platform simplifies it all, saving you hundreds of hours of work each year.

Secure your business, secure your growth.
Naq’s platform takes the guesswork out of cyber security and guides you through implementing the cyber security measures you need to meet compliance, secure your customer’s data and keep your business’ reputation protected.

Continuous compliance and cyber security support.

Even with automation, we know the importance of human touch. Naq offers continuous support for any complex compliance queries, cyber security incidents or data breaches, giving you peace of mind whenever you need it most.

Swap costly consultants for a cost-effective solution.
By combining an automated platform with comprehensive support, Naq ensures your business is continuously compliant and secure without the hefty price tag. Our platform saves businesses over 160 hours of compliance and security work each year, ensuring our customers can return to what they do best – growing their businesses.

Turn compliance and security into your competitive advantage.
Demonstrating a robust compliance and security posture is now more crucial than ever in winning and retaining customers. With Naq, you gain not just the certifications needed to prove compliance but also comprehensive support for any due diligence questionnaires.

Book a FREE chat with an expert

With support nationwide, Naq offer a FREE no obligation 15-minute consultation.

Speak to an expert member of their team and answer their cyber security and compliance questions. They will then breakdown how they can support you.

Book your FREE chat here: Book a 15 minute tech chat.

For further information about Naq and their pricing visit their website her: Naq

Exclusive offer with Integro Accounting

Integro customers can now get 20% off their Naq subscriptions as an exclusive offer. Find out more in their leaflet: Naq Exclusive Discount Offer.

Why choose Integro Accounting?

Integro Accounting provide a fixed fee limited company accountancy service to contractors, freelancers and consultants. Integro accounting was founded on the word integrity. Clients rate us 5/5 on Google and we pride ourselves on building a completely transparent and personal relationship with our clients.  For just £110 + VAT per month, you can have a partner integral to your contracting career.

  • All-inclusive price – no hidden charges, one comprehensive package.
  • A dedicated accountant – one person who will support you every step of the way.
  • Unlimited face to face meetings – offices available across the UK.
  • FREE award-winning accountancy software – a FreeAgent licence provided to all clients.
  • 24/7 access to your accounts – complete visibility of your accounts whenever and wherever you are.

Speak to one of our expert accountants today on 0207 0962659 or email christian@integroaccounting.com for more information on how we can help you.