New year, same resolution but sticking to it this year?

4th January 2024

We all do it. January 1st rolls around and we throw away the coconut Quality Street leftovers, dust off the hand weights and resolve to have a six pack by the time we jet off for our Summer holidays. But how many years in a row has that actually been achieved? I can take a guess.

As a GP, I have always found it interesting that most people want to lead a healthy life but very few know how to do it or actually engage in doing it.

The saying ‘that true beauty lies within‘ holds strong in our societal beliefs. Another motto that strikes a chord with people is ’live your best life’.

The reality is very different. People will invest in Botox and skin treatments to stay young and look good, take holidays and buy expensive possessions to boost their mood, however few invest in the beauty inside of them or try to understand how to live their best life for longer. Our body is our only life vehicle and yet it is the only asset that we often neglect to invest in.

Poor health is often the result of the poor life choices we make on a daily basis e.g. drinking alcohol, smoking, eating a poor diet, and yet disease processes are often triggered by these factors along with stress and lack of exercise to name but a few.

If beauty lies within, why don’t we optimise this internal beauty by checking our gut health with stool samples, having regular blood tests, and investing in preventative health checks? Many illnesses can develop long before symptoms occur.

No amount of Botox or skin treatments will ever allow us to live well and enjoy our lives… or as I like to call it… extend our healthspan.

We need to start to think about our body as a whole and consider looking after ourselves by having regular medical checks. This is what modern medicine looks like and if we want to live longer and be our best version of our healthy selves then we need to start looking after our body and all its physiological functions in a scientific and informed way.

If you do one thing for yourself in 2024, start your resolution with a health check. Taking a close look at your health serves not only as a great starting point for any health kick but is more than likely to identify some areas to work on that you may not have even thought about.

Thyme’s range of Whole Health Checks are designed to be tailored to you as an individual. From our Essential Health Check to our fully customisable health check, there’s a level to suit your needs and budget. Each health check finished up with a Health span report guiding you to better health through a series of small, actionable changes. And our GPs are here to guide you through. If you’d like more information or to book a discovery call with one of our experts to discuss the right health check for you, please feel free to contact us.

Find out more about Thyme medical care and take advantage of their FREE discovery call to discuss any health concerns or needs. Alternatively email or call 0330 088 2020 at your convenience.

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